LIVE+ Member can convert 250points into 1 LIVE+ Dollar, and 1 LIVE+ Dollar can be used as HK$1 at participating merchants!
How to convert and use LIVE+ Dollar?LIVE+ Member can easily convert and use LIVE+ Dollar with simple steps via the TAIKOO+ mobile app:
Step 1: Press “USE $” on the home page.
Step 2: Enter the LIVE+ Dollar amount* to be converted and press “CONFIRM PAYMENT”.
Step 3: Present the actualization QR code to staff of participating merchants to scan.
Step 4: Confirmation page pops up to confirm LIVE+ Dollar actualization completion#.
Terms and Conditions:
^Please refer to the LIVE+ Dollar Participating Merchants list from Member Page in the TAIKOO+ mobile app.
*The minimum spending amount per transaction is 10 LIVE+ Dollars; and additional amounts can be added in increments of 1 LIVE+ Dollar with no maximum restriction.
#After completing a transaction using LIVE+ Dollars, the used LIVE+ Dollar amount (whether in whole or in part) cannot be refunded or returned for points.
LIVE+ Terms and Conditions apply.